I pretty much like everything about this machine. It’s a very quick setup and you just drop the bills in…. out they come from the other end, counted. You can either count just the NUMBER of bills, or you can use the “value” where you put in all $20s, for example, indicate that on the setup, and will tell you how many $20s you have and the total value. (same for all the other denominations). You can do batches, so if you have more bills than easily fit in the hopper, it will combine the values and give you an end total. It’s FAST. It will tell you if you get bills crooked in the hopper – it will hang, but it self-clears without tearing up the bills. It also has a counterfeit detector, but I don’t have any counterfeit bills, thank goodness, so I couldn’t test that one. Recently I did a lot of upgrades on my house, and some of the contractors wanted cash for payment. In one instance, I counted the bills THREE TIMES, then ran them through the bill counter and discovered I would have paid the contractor $20 too much. I’m sure this machine will be saving me money in the future, too. Totally a great purchase!
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